In Your Time is a pendulum clock ticking in the speed of heartbeats. The clock records one’s heart rate through a pulse sensor and translate it into hours and minutes, by adjusting the interval of a second to the period of one heartbeat. The length of a day changes from 24 hours to a length calculated from a proportion between the heart rate and 60 (BPM / beats per minute). For example, the heart rate at 90 bpm makes the clock run 36 hours per day, while the heart rate at 60 bpm still gives it 24 hours. It is possible to see 32 hours and 47 minutes as the day's length on this clock (when the heart rate is 82 BPM). So each person leaves a different day length on this clock.
By re-interpreting the time with this human quality, it adds a layer of personal meaning that is intimate to the clock owner. Time itself becomes a remembrance with a surreal sense for the difference between the heartbeat time and the standard one.
The four rows of numbers on the clock face show the current time and the day length; the pendulum swings at the speed of seconds, that is, the heartbeats. The pulse sensor locates on the side. When setting the clock, press the fingertip against the holes on the sensor and hold up for 15 to 20 seconds. After recording the pulse, the clock shows the heart rate and changes time accordingly.
L400 W100 H530 (mm)
Metal, Plastic

In Your Time 是利用人體心跳速率計時的鐘擺式時鐘,結合脈搏感應器讀取指尖的脈搏頻率,將原先時間的最小單位的「1秒」,轉換成為觸摸者的心跳「1下」的時間長,而小時與分鐘仍維持著60進制。在這樣的條件之下,心跳愈快的人,一天也變得愈長。例如,一個心跳速率90BPM的人(BPM / beats per minute,心跳速率單位),在這個時鐘上就可以擁有一天36小時。因此一天也有可能變成32小時又47分鐘(當心跳率為82BPM時)。
透過人體的獨特運作機制重新詮釋時間的計算單位,每個人都能擁有一套獨特的一日時間長短,讓原本世界通用的標準時間公制也能真正成為「自己的時間」。除此之外,當 In Your Time 存取的是另一個具有意義對象的心跳時,在這樣的計時方式之中,每一刻都是落在對方的心跳節拍上,讓時間本身也變成了超越現實的一種紀念。